Thursday, 26 July 2012

The Tropical Woodland will have to wait.

It’s been a while since my last post, mainly because over the last few weeks the gardening has consisted of pulling up a few weeds in the rare dry patches we’ve had.

Though the plants have seemed to like all this rain and we have had a lot of successes, I’ve learnt some valuable lessons, such as; not to pod your pea harvest into a colander, don’t suddenly stop feeding the pigeons, and just because it’s been constant rain for weeks doesn’t mean that you should stop watering house plants.

My greatest success so far has been my pineapple lilly seedlings that I planted in March and had completely given up on, but just the other day I  found them in a corner of the cold frame. 

These below are the originals that I took the seed from last year.  

I’m trying to keep quite positive about this wet summer (mainly as we are not exactly overrun with produce). Although the fruit is going well, I think we will be eating apples very soon.

I also got these beautiful pink strawberry plants off a friend for my birthday. As well as looking stunning they also taste amazing.

This fantastic white flower is one of last year’s carrots that I left in the ground to see what it would do. I think I’ll be leaving a few more this year.

My two pumpkin plants are adverts for the joy of chicken manure as the soil has been in this pot for about 3 years. Luckily our neighbours have a large empty roof. And the tomato plant below is my advert for the joys what comes from using the worm compost. I also have about 25 other tomato seedlings that I have planted up from all the other pots that it was used in. I had made a conscious effort not to have too many tomato plants this year.

These (above) are great. They are miniature runner bean plants. My mum has some in hanging baskets in her garden, producing loads of beans, and I can see that my plant had at some point, but I reckon they must have been a certain pigeon’s favorite snack. 

For some Gardening inspiration this summer we took a trip to Helligan gardens, while we  Yurting in cornwall. It was fantastic and I managed to come away with a few small plants for the roof. 

Though I would like to recreate their tropical woodland that might have to wait till we at least have a garden with some actual ground.

Happy gardening.